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Saga Creators Would ‘Absolutely’ Love A Musical Adaptation by Lin-Manuel Miranda

Part of what makes Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples’ Saga so beloved is how thoroughly unadaptable it is, as Vaughan has discussed in the past. The visuals are so wild, it would take an Avengers-sized budget to hope to realize on the screen, but it is also so racy that a movie studio is unlikely to give it a huge budget without seriously toning back the explicit robot sex. With that in mind, the series creators don’t think it’s going to be made into a movie anytime soon… but they wouldn’t say no to a stage musical.

In an interview with Vulture, Vaughan and Staples discussed their Image Comics series’ celebrity fans, a roster that includes Thor: Ragnarok fan Tessa Thompson and Hamilton genius Lin-Manuel Miranda. Vaughan in particular was delighted to have their comic recognized.

“We’ve never spoken with Mr. Miranda, but seeing Hamilton on stage was one of the greatest experiences of my artistic life, and it’s a ridiculous honor to know he reads our work,” he said. “I know I said we’re not pursuing adaptations, but if Lin-Manuel ever wants to mount a Saga musical, it’s all his.”

“Absolutely!” Staples agreed. “I bet Fard has great pipes,” she added, referring, of course, to a disgusting, STD-ridden naked giant who appeared in the seventh issue of the series.

On the one hand, these are two creators known to be a bit tongue-in-cheek in these interviews. On the other hand, they are also known to take risks, and to pursue projects others might deem insane. As they say in this interview, Saga is a universe with no limits. “The Saga universe has everything that Earth does, plus more,” Staples says, “so anything goes!”

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