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It Looks Like S.H.I.E.L.D. May Be Back For Avengers 4

Some set photos of the recently wrapped Avengers 4 have revealed that S.H.I.E.L.D is going to play some sort of part in the blockbuster. In the shots, Tony Stark can be seen in a body-suit very visibly repping a patch from the organization that first brought the Avengers together. With Avengers: Infinity War just on the horizon for May of this year, Marvel have been tight-lipped on what to expect from the MCU’s Phase 3 finale, but this reveal does lend itself to some very interesting ideas for what the story will contain.

The last we saw of S.H.I.E.L.D in the movies, the institution was left splintered and discredited after it was found to be swarming with Hydra agents in Captain America: Winter Soldier. Except for Nick Fury bringing a Helicarrier out of mothballs to come to the Avengers’ rescue in Age of Ultron, the spy network has only really carried on in the show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D under Director Coulson. Association with the events of the films has been tertiary at best, and the series more or less became an island within the grander Marvel Studios canon. It being four years and 10 main franchise installments since that emblem has been seen on the big screen, it certainly seemed like this status quo wouldn’t be altered until Phase 4.

Seeing Tony of all characters wearing the patch, it’s safe to assume that S.H.I.E.L.D’s return isn’t going to be a simple resurrection, and suggested they’re coming back in a big way to lend a hand to Earth’s Mightiest as they battle Thanos. Let’s consider what a legitimate return of S.H.I.E.L.D might look like.

Quite where Nick Fury is presently in the MCU is unclear. He was shown as part of the new Avengers Initiative in Avengers: Age of Ultron‘s epilogue, but has been absent since – crucially in the team-changing Captain America: Civil War – leaving big questions over his continued involvement. Regardless of where he is post-Sokovia Accords, it’s unlikely to be retirement. Fury always has a trump card so, if he’s away from the Avengers, he’s likely working on another form of world security, something like the bones of a new incarnation of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The logical end for Avengers: Infinity War is Thanos in control wielding a completed Infinity Gauntlet. It’s a conclusion that makes the Mad Titan look like a world-ender and feeds directly into him still being the main villain Avengers 4. The Earth will seem practically defenseless against any more invaders if the Avengers are defeated. This would generate a prime opportunity for Fury to return to the MCU in a similar capacity to his presence in the first Iron Man‘s post-credit scene, revealing that he’s got a way for the team to re-group.

Nick bringing back S.H.I.E.L.D is the ideal arc for him. Fury’s “superpower” has always been his cunning resourcefulness; his ability to manipulate the playing field to his advantage and keep himself and his interests alive. He’s never caught without an ace up his sleeve, even in times of crisis like a war for control of all time and space landing on our planet’s doorstep. Given their track record, the Avengers are a time-bomb in themselves for collapse or defeat and there’s only so many excuses one can make before deciding an alternative is needed, even if temporarily. Fury knows this, he’s recognized it from the start and odds favor that he’s been preparing for it all this time. And really, whether by top-secret appearance in Infinity War (he’s still among the unconfirmed) or with a role in Avengers 4, what better way to come back into the MCU? And by what better vehicle than by definitively reaffirming his control over his beloved secret agency?

Even if Infinity War takes another turn and Avengers 4 becomes about more than Thanos (one popular theory is that the film is actually Secret Wars), there’s still going to be a gulf for S.H.I.E.L.D. to try and fill. There’ll be something poetic about the Avengers first home returning, seeing the story of the first three phases of the MCU come full circle.

However, the possibilities here stretch well beyond a re-invigorated Fury putting his merry band back together.

Tony Stark wearing anyone’s uniform instead of Iron Man’s armor, let alone S.H.I.E.L.D’s uniform, is an odd occurrence in itself. Stark isn’t a fan of being bossed around and his team-spirit only stretches as far as his own self-interests. He likely isn’t donning a S.H.I.E.L.D. insignia out of respect or admiration, either – that’s just not his style. Being the chief enlistment of the Sokovia Accords and someone who’s on a mission of atonement, however, perhaps he takes on a new job to demonstrate how responsible he is – he becomes the new head of S.H.I.E.L.D?

There’s precedent in the comics – Tony became Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the end of the ‘Civil War’ crossover in 2007, with Maria Hill serving as his deputy. Under his watch the group acted as normal, fighting superhuman terrorism and such, even defeating the Mandarin at one stage. The ‘Secret Invasion‘ crossover involving the Skrulls saw Stark ousted and Spider-Man villain Harry Osborn take over, transforming S.H.I.E.L.D. into H.A.M.M.E.R. While we don’t know the ins and outs of Marvel and Sony’s deal for Spidey and adjacent characters like Osborn, this route feels like a stretch for the time-being, but the root of it – Tony becoming boss and leading the charge on the Accords – definitely feels plausible.

Part of the purpose of Avengers 4 is to shift the MCU’s roster around going forward. It’s expected some main heroes will die and be totally written out, while others take a more reduced position. Where Robert Downey, Jr. fits into this is one of the biggest question marks – Iron Man’s arc is pretty much rounded off, but would he or Marvel want to stop the money rolling in? With that in mind, Tony Stark taking on a position of guidance with the option to appear in almost anyone else’s movie should the writers deem it necessary – like, say, the role Agent Coulson and Nick Fury once fulfilled – is a neat compromise. As much was teased in Spider-Man: Homecoming, which showed this is a role Stark is incredibly suited to, even if he himself would balk at such sentimentality.

While the two prior theories are logical, there’s also the suggestion that Tony becoming a S.H.I.E.L.D. member is part of a grander cosmic scheme. Thanks to a string of set photos – including the ones revealing Stark’s new look – it’s becoming increasingly likely that Avengers 4 involves some form of time travel. How is still a mystery – one of the Infinity Stones has power over time itself, and Captain Marvel, which comes in between Infinity War and Avengers 4, is set in the ’90s and features conflict with the shape-shifting Skrulls – but if so then it seems we’re going to be dealing with alternate timelines.

Putting aside logistics, if we’re seeing an alternate reality then it would stand to reason S.H.I.E.L.D. would be a different organization to what we’re used to in Avengers 4. This would explain Tony being on board, pointing towards both a skewed outlook for the hero and the agency, providing a classic alt-take on what we know.

Whoever’s at the helm, be it Fury or Stark, it’s exciting that S.H.I.E.L.D could possibly come back to the silver screen in Avengers 4. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not just a fantastic concept that is indelible to the MCU, it deserves to be restored to prominence. S.H.I.E.L.D. also deserves its place in waving goodbye to the Avengers line-up that has defined the Marvel Cinematic Universe up to this point.

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