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Harry Potter Fan Film Tracing Rise of Voldemort Finally Materializes

Harry Potter fans are getting an (unofficial) addition to Wizarding World lore now that the Harry Potter fan film Voldemort: Origins of the Heir has finally been released online.

The film, created by Tryangle Films and co-directed by Gianmaria Pezzato and Stefano Prestia, was able to get the okay from Warner Bros. to make a non-profit fan film based on the years before Voldemort became the One Who Must Not Be Named. As we reported when the teaser trailer was released, Origins of the Heir will take place during a lost period between the time Voldemort, then known by his real name Tom Riddle, graduated from Hogwarts to when he reappeared in his full-fledged evil form.

According to Polygon, Riddle will go up against the heir of Gryffindor, Grisha Mac Laggen. The battle between Mac Laggen and Riddle wages over Hufflepuff descendant Hepzibah Smith, who was murdered in Mac Laggen’s home.

Pezzato and Prestia developed the idea after reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and as the film’s synopsis states, “There are some clues in the books which have not been transposed at all in the movies, but a lot goes unspoken. This is the story we wanted to tell: the rise of the Dark lord before Harry Potter and his first demise.”

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