Avengers: Infinity War Could Be The Longest MCU Film

A rumored runtime for Avengers: Infinity War indicates the film will be the longest entry in the MCU to date. Just based on the premise, it’s clear the superhero epic will be anything but brisk. Thanos and his Black Order have finally arrived to wreck havoc, and just about every living hero in the franchise will unite to take him down. Infinity War has long been billed as the culmination of the MCU to date, looking to pay off every arc from the previous 18 movies in what should be a cinematic event like no other.

With Black Panther seizing control of the pop culture zeitgeist and rewriting the box office record books, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that we’re a little more than two months away from seeing Infinity War unfold on the big screen. This means it’s only a matter of time before Marvel really revs up the marketing machine for their extravaganza and more information is unveiled. Chief among the tidbits fans are interested in learning is the film’s running time, and that may have just been revealed.

Reddit user AnotherThing728 shared an image of a website listing for Infinity War from SM Cinema (the largest theater chain in the Philippines). Among the details listed is the runtime of 150 minutes. You can check it out for yourself in the space below:
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Runtime is Revealed as 2 HOURS AND 30 MINUTES Making it the longest MCU Movie!!!!! from r/marvelstudios

It is possible that this is merely a placeholder until something more official comes out, but 2 hours, 30 minutes sounds about right for a film of Infinity War‘s scope. In addition to establishing Thanos as the most intimidating villain in the MCU’s history, directors Joe and Anthony Russo will have to do the best they can dividing screen time between a plethora of heroes so nobody is underserved. There are some concerns the Infinity War cast is too loaded for its own good, so it’s encouraging if Marvel decided to go with a protracted runtime, hopefully giving each character a moment or two to shine. Two months out does seem a bit early for a final runtime to be locked in, but The Last Jedi‘s 150-minute runtime was first reported in September 2017, so this isn’t out of the question.

If this is true, it means Infinity War will be the longest MCU installment so far, topping Captain America: Civil War by three minutes. Also directed by the Russos, that film was noteworthy for bringing together Marvel’s largest ensemble yet to excellent results, so Infinity War should be in strong hands. With everyone from the Guardians of the Galaxy to Doctor Strange to the warriors of Wakanda joining the fray (in addition to the foundational core from the Phase 1 days), the third Avengers is going to need to be as long as possible without overstaying its welcome.

Source: AnotherThing728

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