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Marvel Offered Bendis Wolverine, Deadpool To Block His DC Deal

When writer Brian Michael Bendis was deciding whether or not to sign a new contract with Marvel, the House of Ideas engaged in discussions to have Bendis write Wolverine and Deadpool.

During Bendis’ conversation on the Word Balloon podcast, the writer admitted it was a struggle for Marvel to find a project he hadn’t yet worked on. After all, Bendis had been with the company for nearly 18 years. “We were talking about things I would do next,” Bendis said. “You could tell there was a struggle. Like ‘What haven’t I done?’ There was talk of me doing Wolverine. There was talk of me doing Deadpool.”

Ultimately, it was Bendis’ conversations with DC Comics Co-Publisher Dan Didio that led him to sign an exclusive contract with the company. Bendis referenced Didio’s plans for the future and what the comic book industry needs right now as things that invigorated him creatively.

It was announced in November that Bendis had signed a “multifaceted, multilayered” exclusive agreement with DC. While Bendis has written many titles for Marvel, including Daredevil, Avengers, New Avengers, Uncanny X-Men and more, he hasn’t penned solo titles for either Wolverine or Deadpool.

Brian Michael Bendis will begin his DC Comics tenure with a 10-page Superman story in Action Comics #1000, illustrated by Jim Lee, followed by a Man of Steel six-issue weekly miniseries. He will then write both Superman and Action Comics.

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